District Transport Office (DTO), Guwahati
Last Date: 16.08.2018
Applications are invited from eligible Indian Citizen for filling up the various posts under the commissioner of transport. Intending candidates may send their application in Standard Form of Part IX in District Transport Office, Guwahati. The details of the posts are mentioned below.
1. Junior Assistant (HQ)
Total Post: 09 [UR-7, OBC/MOBC-2]
Qualification: Bachelor's degree or equivalent. Computer Skill.
2. Junior Assistant (District)
Total Post: 26 [UR-14, OBC/MOBC-12]
Qualification: Bachelor's degree or equivalent.
3. Stenographer
Total Post: 01 (UR)
Qualification: Bachelor's degree or equivalent. ITI Diploma/ Certificate in Stenographer and Computer Skill.
4. Computer
Total Post: 01 (UR)
Qualification: Bachelor's degree or equivalent.
5. Assistant Enforcement Inspector
Total Post: 08 [UR-3, ST(P)-1, OBC/MOBC-4]
Qualification: HSSLC/Intermediate (10+2)
6. Enforcement Checker
Total Post: 08 [UR-3, ST(P)-1, OBC/MOBC-4]
Qualification: HSLC (Class 10th)
Age as on 01.01.2018: 18-years-43-years. 5-years upper age is relaxable for SC/ST candidates and 2-years for ex-servicemen.
Applicants can submit the application with all necessary self-attested copies of mark sheets, certificates, employment exchange card in all District Transport Officer's office district-wise.
In case of Kamrup (M), candidates are advised to submit the application in District Transport Officer's office, Betkuchi, Guwahati before the last date 16.08.2018.
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