
K.K. Handique State Open University
Last Date: 11.10.2018
Applications are invited from Indian Citizens for the following Academic and Non-Academic posts.
1. Associate Professor In Computer Science - 01 Post
2. Academic Consultant in Social Work - 02 Posts
3. Academic Consultant in Mass Communication - 01 Post
4. Academic Consultant in Philosophy - 01 Post
5. Academic Consultant in History - 01 Post
6. Attendant cum Driver (Grade IV) - 01 Post
7. Multi-Tasking Staff (Grade IV) - 01 Post (ST-H)
Total Vacancy: 08 Posts
Qualifications and Requirements:
1. Associate Professor In Computer Science:
Master's Degree in Computer Science with 55% marks. Good Academic Record with Ph.D. degree in the concerned/ allied/ relevant discipline. A minimum of eight years of teaching experience and/ or research in an academic/ research position equivalent.
Pay Scale: Basic pay (Revised) 1,31,400/-
Age: Not more than 54 years on the last date of receipt of the application.
2,3,4 & 5. Academic Consultant in Social works, Mass Communication, Philosophy and History:
Good academic record with at least 55% marks (or equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed), with the relaxation of marks for SC/ ST/ differently able candidates as per UGC guidelines for the purpose of eligibility, at the Master's Degree in the relevant subject.
Qualifying in national/ State Level Eligibility Test (NET/ SLET)
Salary: Rs.21,600/- (fixed)
Age: As per State Govt. rule/ notification.
6. Attendant cum Driver (Grade IV):
HSLC passed or equivalent.
Valid HMV Driving License.
Working experience in the ODL system.
Pay Scale: Basic pay 12,000/- with Grade Pay Rs.4,400/-
Age: As per State Govt. rule/ notification.
7. Multi-Tasking Staff (Grade-IV, ST-H):
HSLC passed or equivalent.
Working experience in the ODL system.
Pay Scale: Basic pay 12,000/- with Grade Pay Rs.4,400/-
Age: As per State Govt. rule/ notification.
Application Fee:
The application should be accompanied by a bank draft of Rs.1000/- in favor of KKHSOU for Sl No. 1 and Bank draft of Rs. 500/- in favor of KKHSOU for Sl No- 2 to 7, to be drawn at Guwahati.
The form of application with details of required qualification, scale of pay, age limit etc. can be downloaded from the website of the university The last date for submission of application is 11.10.2018.
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