
Barnagar College, Barpeta
Last Date: 15 days
Applications (in prescribed format) are invited from eligible candidates for the post of Librarian at Barnagar College, Sorbhog under Unreserved Category in proforma available at College website with full bio-data and all testimonials from HSLC onwards.
Name of the Post: Librarian
Salary: UGC Scale of Pay (Academic Level 10) of Rs.57,700 - 1,82,400/- pm and other allowances.
Name of the Post: Librarian
- Good academic record as defined by the concerned University with at least 55% marks (5% relaxable for reserved category) or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed at the Master’s Degree level in a relevant subject from an Indian University, or an equivalent degree from an accredited foreign University.
- Along with the above qualifications, the applicant should possess National Eligibility Test (NET) conducted by the UGC, CSIR or similar test accredited by the UGC like SLET/SET.
Salary: UGC Scale of Pay (Academic Level 10) of Rs.57,700 - 1,82,400/- pm and other allowances.
Age: Not more than 38 years as on 01/01/2019 with relaxation for SC/ST(P)/ST(H)/OBC/MOBC/PwD as per Govt rule in Force.
Application Fee: Bank Draft of Rs.1500/- only (non-refundable) in favour of Principal, Barnagar College, Sorbhog payable at State Bank of India, Sorbhog Branch.
Note: Those who applied earlier in response to the advertisement published in the Assam Tribune on 29/01/2019 need not apply again.
How To Apply: The prescribed application with testimonial s from HSLC onwards must send to Sd/- Dr. B. K. Chakravorty Principal Barnagar College, Sorbhog P.O.: Sorbhog, Dist: Barpeta, Assam, PIN: 781317 within 15 days.
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