The High School Leaving Certificate (HSLC) Exam Result 2020 and the result of Assam High Madrassa (AHM) examinations will be declared after May 15, 2020. Students will be able to get the results through the official website of the Board of Secondary Education, Assam (SEBA) from 9 am onwards.
Last year, the HSLC/AHM results were declared on May 14, 2019
HSLC Assam Result 2019 - Checked by Online:
The results would be available on Mobile App, mobile SMS and 13 official websites of the Board of Secondary Education, Assam (SEBA) from 9 am, informed the Board secretary, Suranjana Senapati. Here some official websites of SEBA form where candidates can get their HSLC exam Result 2020:
- www.results.sebaonline.org
- www.resultsassam.nic.in
- www.examresults.net
- www.examresults.net/assam
- www.indiaresults.com
- www.exametc.com
- www.iresults.net
- www.yesresults.com
- www.result.shiksha
- www.assam.shiksha
- www.assamonline.in
- www.assamjobalerts.com
- www.assamresult.in
Check HSLC Result through SMS:
BSNL users can SMS to 57766 with the following format:
SEBA19<space><roll number>
For example, if a candidate's Roll is B19-025 and No. is 0123 then,
type SEBA19 0250123 and send to 57766
Note: Apart from the results, mark sheets and certificates would be available in the respective schools on the same day. However, as per official norms, the heads of institutions will be allowed to the packets containing the results and other relevant documents only after 11 am on the day.
Further, the candidates intending to get their evaluated answer scripts rechecked will have to apply through SEBA's online portal https://sebaonline.org and click on the link "Rechecking or photocopy with rechecking of answer scripts" within fifteen (15) days from the date of publication of the results.
Source: The Sentinal, The Assam Tribune
Source: The Sentinal, The Assam Tribune
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