
Last Date: 20 days
Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS) invited application from suitable candidates for filling up of following regular vacancies.
1. Assistant Director/ District Youth Coordinator
Total Post: 160
Pay Level-10: 56100-177500
Qualification: Post Graduate Degree in any discipline.
2. Junior Computer Programmer
Total Post: 17
Pay Level-7: 44900-142400
Qualification: Master Degree in Computer Science or B.E./MCA.
3. Senior Hindi Translator
Total Post: 01
Pay Level-7: 44900-142400
Qualification: Master’s Degree of a recognized University in Hindi/English or with English. Hindi as a compulsory/ elective subject or as a medium or examination at degree level. (Check advt for more)
4. Assistant
Total Post: 38
Pay Level-6: 35400-112400
Qualification: Degree with three years experience in Administration and Accounts.
5. Librarian
Total Post: 01
Pay Level-6: 35400-112400
Qualification: Degree and Degree/Diploma in Library Science from a recognized University or equivalent.
6. Stenographer Grade-II
Total Post: 23
Pay Level-6: 35400-112400
- 12th Class pass or equivalent.
- Skill Test Norms: Dictation: 10 mts @80wpm; Transcription: 65mts (Eng), 75mts (Hindi) on manual typewriter or 50 mts (Eng.), 65 mts (Hindi) on computer.
- Equivalent speed of 100/80 wpm in English & Hindi stenography and 40/25 wpm in typewriting in English & Hindi.
- Working knowledge of computer.
7. Computer Operator
Total Post: 04
Pay Level-5: 29200-92300
- Degree of a recognized University or equivalent
- Should possess a speed of not less than 8000 key depression per hour for Data Entry work
- One year certificate course in computer from a recognized Institute
8. Accounts Clerk cum Typist
Total Post: 58
Pay Level-4: 25500-81100
- B.Com of a recognized university or
- Degree of a recognized University or equivalent with 2 year experience in Accounts work
- Typing speed of 30 w.p.m. in English or 25 w.p.m. in Hindi.
- Knowledge of Computer application
9. Lower Division Clerk (LDC)
Total Post: 12
Pay Level-2: 19900-63200
- 12th Class or Equivalent qualification from a Board of University
- A Typing Speed of 30 wpm in English or 25 wpm in Hindi on manual typewriter or a typing speed of 35 wpm in English or 30 wpm in Hindi on Computer (35 wpm and 30 wpm correspond to 10500 key depressions/9000 key depressions on average of 5 key depressions of each word)
10. Multi Tasking Staff (MTS)
Total Post: 23
Pay Level-1: 18000-56900
Qualification: Matriculation or equivalent.
Examination Fee:
- For GEN/ OBC (male): Rs. 700/-
- For GEN/ OBC (Female): Rs. 350/-
- For SC/ ST/ PWD/ ESM: Nil
Age Limit (as on 01-01-2019):
- Minimum Age limit for Stenographer & Multi Tasking Staff: 18 Years
- Maximum Age Limit for Stenographer: 27 Years
- Maximum Age Limit for Multi Tasking Staff: 25 Years
- Age Limit for Other Posts: 28 years or below
Reservation and Age Relaxation for SC/ST/OBC/PwD/ESM & for Govt Servants/ Departmental Candidates and other specified categories in accordance with the instructions issued by Govt. of India from time to time.
Last date of application: 20 days from the starting of online applications.
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