
Last Date: 04/07/2019
Assam Seeds Corporation Ltd. invites application from Indian Citizens for the under mentioned posts under Assam Seeds Corporation (ASC) Ltd. on contractual basis.
Name of the Post: Accounts Officer, ASC Ltd.
No. of Post: 01
Educational Qualification: M. Com (Accountancy) from a recognized university along with C.A. final or intermediate pass and having an experience of 5 (five) years in the area of Company accounts.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Candidate must be an Indian Citizen
- Candidate should produce a Permanent Resident Certificate (PRC) issued in Assam for educational purpose as proof of Residency with the application.
Age: The candidate should not be less than 35 years of age and not more than 45 years of age as on 01/01/2019.
Remuneration: Rs.40,000/- per month.
Selection Process: The selection procedure will be through walk-in-interview. The date of interview will be informed in a later date.
How To Apply: The eligible candidates who intend to apply may download the application form from the website and submit the filled application by hand or by post to the Managing Director, Assam Seeds Corporation Ltd. Kanapara, Ghy-22 along with self-attested photocopies of documents supporting their educational qualification, age, experience and two copies of passport size photograph on or before 04/07/2019.
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