District Social Welfare, Nagaon

Applications are invited from the intending female candidates for filling up the following temporary contractual posts:
1. Centre Administrator
No. of post: 01
Qualification: Law Degree/ MSW
Experience: 5 years experience against women issues.
Salary: Rs.26,000/-
2. Case Worker
No. of post: 03
Qualification: Law Degree/ MSW
Experience: 3 years experience against women issues.
Salary: Rs.14,000/-
3. Counselor
No. of post: 01
Qualification: MSW/ Clinical Psychology
Experience: 3 years experience of working as counselor/ psychotherapist in a reputed Mental Health Institute.
Salary: Rs.14,000/-
4. IT Staff
No. of post: 03
Qualification: Graduate with diploma in computers
Experience: 3 years experience in data management, process documentation and web based reporting formats, video conferencing.
Salary: Rs.12,000/-
5. Multi Purpose Worker (MPW)
No. of post: 02
Qualification: Class 10th
Experience: 3 years experience of working as Helper, Peon etc.
Salary: Rs.10,000/-
6. Night Guard
No. of post: 02
Qualification: Class VIII
Experience: 2 years experience of working as security personnel in government of reputed Organization.
Salary: Rs.9,000/-
How To Apply: Apply within 15 days from the date of publication with complete bio-data indicating division, percentage of marks, work experience, passport size photograph and contact details including Mobile No and Email Address along with all testimonials to the District Social Welfare Officer, Nagaon at Stand Road, Amolapatty, District Nagaon, Assam.
Selection Process: Eligible candidates will be shortlisted and called for interview.
Last date of submission of apply: 10.06.2019
Contact Details:
Phn No: 9864018944
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