
Last Date: 19/08/2019
Assam Petro Chemicals Ltd (APL) invites applications from eligible candidates for the following posts on contractual basis.
1. Assistant Process Operator
No. of Post: 03
Qualification: B.Sc with Phy, Chem, Maths / Diploma in Chem. Engineering.
2. Junior Electrician
No. of Post: 03
Qualification: Matriculation with ITI Diploma in Electrical Trade having Workman permit.
3. Junior Technician (Inst.)
No. of Post: 04
Qualification: Matriculation with ITI Diploma in Inst./ Electronics & Telecom Trade.
4. Junior Technician (Fitter)
No. of Post: 02
Qualification: Matriculation with ITI Diploma in Fitter Trade.
5. Junior Technician (Machinist)
No. of Post: 01
Qualification: Matriculation with ITI Diploma in Machinist Trade.
6. Junior Technician (Rigger)
No. of Post: 01
Qualification: Matriculation with ITI Diploma in Rigger Trade.
7. Junior Fireman
No. of Post: 02
Qualification: Matriculation having Fire fighting training certificate with physical fitness standard.
8. Helper
No. of Post: 13
Qualification: Class VIII or above.
9. Junior Peon
No. of Post: 01
Qualification: Class VIII or above.
10. Junior Peon
No. of Post: 01
Qualification: Class VIII or above.
Upper Age Limit (as on 01.01.2019):
- From SL No.1 to 7: Up to 38 years.
- From SL No.8 to 10: Up to 43 years.
- The upper age is relaxable by 5(five) years for ST/ SC candidates, 3 (three) years for OBC/MOBC (Non-Creamy Layer) candidates.
Consolidated monthly Salary (all-inclusive) will be paid in the following manner:
1. For Asstt. Process Operator:
1st year - Rs. 13000/-
2nd year - Rs. 15500/-
3rd year - Rs. 18000/-
2. For Junior Technicians/ Jr. Electrician:
1st year - Rs. 11000/-
2nd year - Rs. 13500/-
3rd year - Rs. 16000/-
3. For Junior Fireman:
1st year - Rs. 10000/-
2nd year - Rs. 12500/-
3rd year - Rs. 15000/-
4. For Helper/Junior Peon/Jr. Cook cum Bearer:
1st year - Rs. 9000/-
2nd year - Rs. 11500/-
3rd year - Rs. 14000/-
Place of work: Namrup/ Guwahati.
Period and nature of Service: Maximum 3 (three) years on Contractual basis.
How To Apply: Application should be sent by ordinary / speed post/ courier with detailed bio-data in prescribed format only along with self-attested copies of certificates/testimonials in support of qualification, age, caste, experience etc. to the following address within 20 (twenty) days from the date of publication of this advertisement:
Application should be addressed to:
General Manager (HR) i/c
Assam Petro-Chemicals Limited
Namrup, P.O. Parbatpur – 786623
Dist. Dibrugarh (Assam)
Important Dates:
- Availability of application form and other prescribed documents in website From 31.07.2019 to 19.08.2019
- Last date of receipt of duly filled application form by post at APL Namrup 19-08-2019
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