ICAR-National Bureau of Soil Survey and
Land Use Planning, Regional Centre, Jorhat
ICAR-NBSS & LUP, Regional Centre, Jamuguri
Interview Date: 21, 22 & 23 July 2019

Applications are invited in prescribed proforma (given below) for the following positions at ICAR-National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, Regional Centre, Jamuguri Road, Rowriah (near Women University), Jorhat-785004.
1. Senior Research Fellow
No. of Post: 01
Qualification: Post Graduate in Agricultural Sciences/Basic Sciences/ Geology/ Geography/ Remote Sensing/ Geo-informatics or Graduate Degree in Engineering/Technology/Veterinary Science.
Remuneration: fixed pay Rs. 25000/- per month + HRA admissible as per rule (Rs. 28000/- per month + HRA will be admissible for 3rd and 4th year).
Date & Time of Interview: 21.07.2019 from 02.00 p.m. onwards.
Date & Time of Interview: 21.07.2019 from 02.00 p.m. onwards.
2. Young Professional-I and II
(a) Young Professional-I
No. of Post: 01
Qualification: Post-Graduate in Agricultural Sciences/Basic Sciences/ Geology/Geography/Remote Sensing/Geo-informatics or Graduate Degree in Engineering/Technology/Veterinary Science.
Fixed Pay: Rs.25,000/-Date & Time of Interview: 22.07.2019 July, 2019 from 10.00 a.m. onwards.
(b) Young Professional-II
No. of Post: 01
Qualification: Graduate in Agricultural Sciences/Basic Sciences/ Geology/Geography/Remote Sensing/Geo-informatics or Graduate Degree in Engineering/Technology/Veterinary Science.
Fixed Pay: Rs.15,000/-Date & Time of Interview: 22.07.2019 July, 2019 from 10.00 a.m. onwards.
(c) Young Professional-II
No. of Post: 01
Qualification: Post Graduate in Agriculture with Agronomy/Soil Science & Ag. Chemistry and allied sciences. Aptitude for soil analysis in physical and chemical laboratories and knowledge.
Fixed Pay: Rs.25,000/-Date & Time of Interview: 23.07.2019 July, 2019 from 10.00 a.m. onwards.
(d) Young Professional-I
No. of Post: 02
Qualification: Graduate in Agricultural Sciences/Allied and other Science or Diploma holders in Engineering/Technology.
Fixed Pay: Rs.15,000/-Date & Time of Interview: 23.07.2019 July, 2019 from 10.00 a.m. onwards.
3. Skilled & Unskilled Personal
(a) Skilled Personal
No. of Post: 05
Qualification: 10th or equivalent. Should be able to communicate either in English, Hindi or Assamese.
Fixed Pay: Rs.12,000/-Date & Time of Interview: 24.07.2019 July, 2019 from 10.00 a.m. onwards.
(b) Skilled/ Clerical Personal
No. of Post: 01
Qualification: 10th or equivalent. Knowledge in online bill preparing, etc
Fixed Pay: Rs.12,000/-
Date & Time of Interview: 24.07.2019 July, 2019 from 10.00 a.m. onwards.
(c) Unskilled Personal
No. of Post: 05
Qualification: VIIIth or equivalent or of lower qualification.
Fixed Pay: Rs.8,000/-
Date & Time of Interview: 24.07.2019 July, 2019 from 10.00 a.m. onwards.
Note: Bring one set of self attested photocopies of educational qualifications etc. and a duly signed recent passport size photograph pasted onto the application form on the date of interview. (For more details download full advertisement).
Interview Venue: ICAR-NBSS & LUP Regional Centre, Jamuguri Road, Rowriah, Jorhat- 785004.
Advt & Application Form | Click Here |
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