Commissioner of Taxes, Assam
Online Application/ Application Manual

In continuation of the earlier Advertisement published vide No. Janasanyog/D/2513/19 dated 18th July, 2019, this is information to all concerned that, the candidates who have submitted their applications on due date (on or before 4 PM of 2nd August 2019) are required to file their application forms in Online mode as stated in Clause 8 of the detailed advertisement No.CE-14/2018/55 dated 17th July 2019 published in the website for the post of Junior Assistant in the Office of the Commissioner of Taxes, Assam.
Name of the Post: Junior Assistant
Recruitment Department: Commissioner of Taxes, Assam
No. of Post: 18
Online Application Form and Application Manual: Available from 20/08/2019 (Tuesday)
Closing date for submission of Online Application Form: 30/08/2019 (15/09/2019)
2. Caste certificate / EWS certificate
3. Birth Certificate OR HSLC Admit card OR HSLC Board Pass Certificate as age certificate
4. PH certificate
5. Pass Certificate from Head of the Institution OR University Pass Certificate
6. Certificate of Employment Exchange Registration No.
7. Coloured Photograph :
(Size of photograph must be less than 35 kb.
Height of photograph must be between 250 pixel and 320 pixel and width of photograph must be between 150 pixel and 220 pixel)
8. Signature: (Size of signature must be less than 30 kb. Height of signature must be between 100 pixel and 180 pixel and width of signature must be between 150 pixel and 220 pixel)
List of documents to be scanned before filling Online Application Form:
1. Permanent Residentship Certificate of Assam OR Aadhaar Card OR Voter ID Card2. Caste certificate / EWS certificate
3. Birth Certificate OR HSLC Admit card OR HSLC Board Pass Certificate as age certificate
4. PH certificate
5. Pass Certificate from Head of the Institution OR University Pass Certificate
6. Certificate of Employment Exchange Registration No.
7. Coloured Photograph :
(Size of photograph must be less than 35 kb.
Height of photograph must be between 250 pixel and 320 pixel and width of photograph must be between 150 pixel and 220 pixel)
8. Signature: (Size of signature must be less than 30 kb. Height of signature must be between 100 pixel and 180 pixel and width of signature must be between 150 pixel and 220 pixel)
For Online Application Form and Application Manual, the candidates should visit the website w.e.f. 20th August 2019. The list of candidates who have already applied offline within due date is also available on this website. Closing date for submission of Online Application Form: Up to 12 of midnight 30th August 2019 15th September 2019.
Last Date Extended Notice | Click Here |
Apply Online | Click Here |
Application Manual/ candidates List | List 1 | List 2 |
Notice for Online Application | Click Here |
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Application Form | Click Here |
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