Advertisement No.03/2019 (Non Teaching)
O/o The Registrar, AAU, Jorhat
Last Date: 03/10/2019

Applications from intending eligible candidates in prescribed Application Format are invited for filling up 1 (one) no. post of Library Assistant and 1 (one) no. post of Laboratory Assistant-III under Assam Agricultural University (AAU) Jorhat.
1. Library Assistant/ Junior Technical Assistant
No. of Vacant Post: 01
- The candidate shall be graduate in any discipline from a recognized university.
- Preference will be given to the candidates having Bachelor Degree in Library Science from Govt. recognized university.
2. Laboratory Assistant-III (for the College of Veterinary Science, AAU, Khanapara, Guwahati)
No. of Vacant Post: 01
Qualification: The candidate shall be graduate in Science from a recognized university.
Scale of Pay: 14000-49000 + 8700/-
Age as on 01/01/2019: 18-44 years. Relaxation will be given as per govt rules.
Application must be accompanied by the following:
- Attested copies of all certificates/ mark sheets in support of educational qualification, age, case, Permanent Residence, etc.
- 2 copies of recent PP size photograph.
- Self-addressed envelope (size 23cm x 10cm) affixing of Rs.6.00 only.
- Physically disabled candidates should produce certificate issued by competent authority.
- Certificate of good character and conduct from two responsible persons known to the candidate (but not related to candidate) and indicating the name and address of the referees at the para 19 of the application form.
Application Sending Address:
- For the Post Library Assistant: To the Chief Librarian, Rev. B.M. Pugh Library, Assam Agricultural University (AAU) Jorhat-785013.
- For the post Lab Asstt-III: To the Dean, Colege of Veterinary Science, AAU Khanapara, Guwahati-22.
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