
O/o Fishery Development Office, Sivasagar
Last Date: 25/09/2019
Applications are invited in the prescribed standard form for filling up the following sanction vacant posts of Junior Assistant under the District Fishery Development Officer, Sivasagar.
Name of the Post: Junior Assistant
No. of Post: Total 03 [STP-1, OBC/MOBC-1, UR-1] as per Roaster.
Qualification: The applicant should be Graduate in any discipline. Proficiency in Computer Typing especially in (Word Processor, Spreadsheet, Internet & Email) etc.
Pay Scale: PB-2, Rs.14,000-49,000 + GP-6,200 per month with other allowance as admissible as per rules.
Age: 18-38 years as on 01.01.2019. The upper age is relaxable by 5 years in case of the candidates of SC/ST and by 3 years in case of the candidates of OBC/MOBC.
Application Fee: Nil
Mode of selection:
- Phase-I: The candidates whose applications are accepted will be required to appear in Multiple Choice Written Test on a date to be notified later on and details of syllabus will be intimated to candidates through calling letter.
- Phase-II: Against vacancy, candidates will be shortlisted as per rule on the basis of the marks obtained in the written test (Multiple Choice). After the written test, the shortlisted candidates will have to appear in a Computer Practical Test which will be notified in due course of time. They will have to bring all the original testimonials i.e. Age Proof Certificate, Caste Certificate, Educational Qualification Certificate, Computer Proficiency Certificate etc.
Other Eligibility:
- The candidates must have registered their names in the employment exchange and the registration numbers along with the dates must be mentioned in their applications.
- Candidates should be well versed in State Official Language.
The application must be accompanied by the following:
- Self-attested copies of all certificates/ Mark Sheets of educational and other qualification, age, caste along with other testimonials including valid Employment Registration card.
- Affix one copy of recent self-attested passport size photograph in the application form and two copies of recent passport size photograph duly self-attested along with application.
- The application will enclose a self-addressed envelope affixing Postal Stamp of Rs.10/- along with the application.
How To Apply: Application should be submitted to the "Office of the District Fishery Development Officer, Sivasagar, Assam, P.O.- Sivasagar, Pin-785640" on or before 25/09/2019
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