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Railway Recruitment Board (RRB)
Result of Paramedical Categories
Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has declared the result after successfully conduct the Computer Based Test (CBT) from 19-07-2019 to 21-07-2019 for 1937 posts of Paramedical categories. Candidates who have appeared in the CBT are now able to see their result and may download score card. Result Declared for the following Paramedical categories:
- Dietician
- Staff Nurse
- Dental Hygienist
- Dialysis Technician
- Extension Educator
- Health & Malaria Inspector
- Lab Superintendent
- Optometrist
- Perfusionist
- Physiotherapist
- Pharmacist
- Radiographer
- Speech Therapist
- Egg Technician
- Lady Health Visitor
- Lab Assistant

RRB Paramedical Staff Result 2019:
Name of the Post: Paramedical Staff
Recruitment Board: Railway Recruitment Board (RRB)
Total Post: 1937
Type of Exam: Computer Based Test (CBT)
Exam Conducted: From 19-07-2019 to 21-07-2019
Result Declared Date: 08/09/2019
RRB Paramedical Staff Document Verification & Medical Examination:
- Based on the performance of candidates in the Computer Based Test (CBT) conducted from 19-07-2019 to 21-07-2019 for the paramedical categories notified against Centralized Employment Notification (CEN 02/2019), candidates bearing the Roll Numbers listed (in ascending order and not in order of merit) hereinunder have been provisionally shortlisted for the Document Verification (DV)& Medical Examination.
- This list of shortlisted candidates for Document Verification (DV) also includes 50% additional candidates (subject to availability of eligible candidates) for the posts over and above the notified/revised vacancies published on the websites of RRBs.
- The cut off marks for the regular candidates (as per vacancy) and additional candidates (50% over and above vacancies) shortlisted for DV are also notified here with.
- Document Verification (DV) will be held at the premises indicated in the E-call letter for DV. After scheduling the candidates for DV, they will be sent an email and SMS to download their E-call letter over and above publishing the DV Schedule on RRB websites. E-Call letter with details of date, time and session (FN/AN) along with the instructions for Document verification and Medical Examination can be downloaded from the websites of RRBs.
- The shortlisted candidates for DV should produce all the original documents along with two sets of Xerox copies in A4 size as detailed in the CEN and E-call letter.
- Regarding Medical Examination, candidates are advised that after completion of DV, medical examination will be carried out by Railway Hospital/Health Unit. Candidates have to pay the prescribed medical fee of Rs 24/- only. There are no other charges to be paid to the Hospitals/Health Unit for the medical examination. In rare cases, where the investigation like CT Scan, Ultra Sound, tests to rule out refractive eye surgery etc., have to be carried out for which necessary facility is not available in the Railway Hospital/Health Unit, then for such.
CBT Result | Click Here |
Score Card | Click Here |
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