
Last Date: 31/10/2019
Applications are invited in Standard Form for filling up the post of Revenue Sheristadar in the amalgamated establishment of Deputy Commissioner, Darrang, Mangaldai.
Name of the Post: Revenue Sheristadar
Scale of Pay: Rs. 22,000/- to 87,000/- -GP 11500/- PM plus other allowances as admissible as per Rules from time to time.
Preference will be given to a candidate having experience in different Branches of the Deputy Commissioner's establishment in General and Revenue Branch in particular.
Those who have not completed at least 15 (fifteen) years of service in different Branches of any of the Deputy Commissioner's establishment in any district in Assam, need not apply.
Selection will be made by Government in General Administration Department as per the Assam Ministerial District Establishment Service Rules, 1967 and the Assam Ministerial District Establishment Service (Amendment) Rules, 1999.
How To Apply:
Application (in standard form) stating age, educational qualification, present and permanent address and experience in different branches with tenure in each branch should reach to the Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Darrang, Mangaldai on or before 31st October 2019. The application should invariable be submitted through proper channel.
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