Directorate of Information & Public Relations (DIPR), Assam
Interview Date: 28/10/2019
Name of the Post: Computer Operator (Assamese)
No. of Post: 01

Eligible and qualified candidates are invited to appear for a Walk-in-interview for the following post purely on temporary and contractual basis.
Name of the Post: Computer Operator (Assamese)
No. of Post: 01
- Graduate in Arts/ Science or Commerce or a equivalent degree.
- The candidate must also possess a minimum 6 months Diploma/ Certificate in Computer proficiency including Assamese computer typing from a recognized Institute. Through knowledge of DTP, Ramdhenu, Unicode 6.5/7.00, Microsoft Office (PowerPoint, Word, Excel), Adobe softwares (Photoshop, In-design, Illustrator), thorough knowledge of E-mail and Internet are compulsory.
Fixed Remuneration: Rs.20,000/- per month.
Age as on (01/01/2019): 18-38 years. Upper age will be relaxable as per rule.
Process of Selection: Through Viva-voce and Practical Test.
How To Apply: Interested candidates must submit the photocopies of relevant documents and 3 copies of recent pp size photograph with duly filled up Standard Application Format to the Registrar, Directorate of Information and Public Relations, Assam, Last Gate, Dispur, Guwahati-781006 by 12 noon of 28/10/2019. The applicant must bring with them the original documents while coming for the Interview.
Interview Date, Time & Venue:
- Date: 29/10/2019 (Tuesday)
- Time: At 10 AM
- Venue: Directorate of Information and Public Relations, Assam, Last Gate, Dispur, Guwahati-781006
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