Assam Institute of Research for Tribals & Scheduled Castes, Guwahati
Last Date: 22/11/2019

Applications are invited from the intending eligible candidates who are citizens of India, for filling up the vacancies in the cadre of Junior Assistant under the establishment of Assam Institute of Research for Tribals & Scheduled Castes, Jawaharnagar, Guwahati-22.
Name of the Post: Junior Assistant
No. of Vacant Post: 02 [OBC/MOBC-1, PwD-1]
Pay Scale: PB-2. Rs.14,000-49,000/- per month plus Grade Pay- Rs.6,200/- and other allowances as admissible.
AGE LIMIT: The candidate should not be less than 18 years and more than 38 years of age as on 01/01/2019. The upper age limit shall be relaxable in respect of SC/ST/OBC/PWD candidates as per Government rules in force. The age limit of the candidates will be calculated on the basis of the matriculation/ HSLC admit card/ certificate issued by a, recognized board council. No other document shall be accepted in lieu thereof for the purpose.
EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION: The candidate must possess a Bachelor's degree from a recognized University or any examination declared equivalent by the Government. The candidates must possess a minimum 6 months diploma/ certificate in computer proficiency from a recognized institute.
(a) Computer Practical Test (qualifying only) Total marks = 40. Candidates securing 40% out of total marks will be treated as qualified for appearing at the written test.
(b) Written Test: Multiple choice Questions (MCQ) test consisting of General English, General Studies& General Arithmetic. Marks 80. Precis writing: In English only. Marks- 20. Duration 2 hours. The written test (MCQ and Precis writing) will be of Class-XII standard.
Note: Computer practical test will be held in the ART&SC premises only. The written test shall be held only in Guwahati. The candidates will have to bring all the original testimonials i.e. age proof certificate, caste certificate, educational qualification certificates, Computer proficiency certificates, PWD benchmark disability certificate (if applicable) etc. for verification at the time of Computer practical test.
- Application should be in standard form.
- Applicants must affix self-attested 2 copies of recent passport size photograph along with the application.
- The applicant shall furnish self-attested copies of certificates/ mark sheet etc. declared by himself/ herself to be true copy of the original along with the application.
- Application form and necessary documents should be addressed to the Director, Assam Institute of Research tor Tribals & Scheduled Castes, Jawaharnagar, N.H.-37, Post Office Khanapara, Guwahati-781022 on or before 22nd November, 2019.
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