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Assam Women's University, Jorhat
Last Date: 30/12/2019

Assam Women's University, (AWU), Jorhat invites applications in prescribed form from Indian citizens for recruitment to the post of Controller of Examinations, Finance Officer, Junior Administrative Assistant and Junior Accountant as mentioned below.
1. Registrar [Controller of Examinations]
No. of Post: 01
Age: Not exceeding 55 Years of age on 1st January, 2019.
Scale of Pay: Rs.53,000.00 to Rs.1,44,200.00
2 Registrar [Finance Officer]
No. of Post: 01
Age: Not exceeding 50 Years of age on1st January, 2019.
Scale of Pay: Rs.30,000.00 to Rs.1,10,000.00 plus GP Rs.15,700/-
3 Registrar [Junior Administrative Assistant]
No. of Post: 01
Age: Not less than 18 years and not more than 44 years.
Scale of Pay: Rs. 14,000.00 to Rs.49,000,00 plus GP Rs. 8700/-
4 Registrar [Junior Accountant]
No. of Post: 01
Age: Not less than 18 years and not more than 44 years.
Scale of Pay: Rs. 14,000.00 to Rs. 49,000,00 plus GP Rs 8700/-
Details of Qualification and Experience:
1. Controller of Examination:
(i) A Master’s Degree with at least 55% of marks or its equivalent grade
(ii) at least 15 (fifteen) years’ of experience as Assistant Professor in the AGP of Rs. 7000/- and above or 8 years’ of service in the AGP of Rs. 8000/- and above including as Associate Professor along with
experience in educational administration.
(iii) Comparable experience in research establishment and/or other institutions of higher education or
(iv) 15 (fifteen) years of administrative experience, of which 8 years shall be as Deputy Controller of examinations.
2. Finances Officer:
A person having experience of working as FAO in the Govt. of Assam having AFS qualification and five years of experience in that capacity.
3. Junior Administrative Assistant:
Graduate in Arts/ Science/ Commerce from a recognized University having Diploma or Certificate in computer works.
4. Junior Accountant
a) Graduate in Arts/ Science/ Commerce from a recognized University having Diploma or Certificate in Computer works and having experience in dealing with finance and accounts.
Application Fees & Last date:
- For posts at Sl. No 1 and 2: Rs. 1000 (Rs.500 for SC/ST/PHD candidates only)
- For posts at Sl. No 3 and 4: Rs. 300.00 (Rs.150 for SC/ST/PHD candidates only)
Payment Mode: In the shape of A/C payee Bank Draft of a Nationalized Bank drawn in favour of the “Registrar”, AWU payable at Jorhat.
# In case of the candidate of using the downloaded copy of Application Form, an IPO of Rs. 50/- (as mentioned above) must be enclosed with the application.
How To Apply:
Completed application in the prescribed form along with all necessary enclosures and testimonials must reach the Registrar, Assam Women’s University, P.O. Rowriah, PIN785004, Jorhat, Assam, latest by 30-12-2019.
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