O/o The Deputy Commissioner, Dhubri

Applications in Standard Form are invited from interested candidates who are bonafide Citizens of India for filling up the following vacant post under the amalgamated establishment of the Deputy Commissioner, Dhubri.
Name of the Post: Driver (Grade-III)
No. of Post: 01 (OBC)
Qualification: Pass class VIII and should have professional Driving license for L.M.V.
Scale of Pay: PB-2, Rs.14000-Rs.49000 + GP- Rs.5000/-
Age Limit: Candidates must not be aged less than 18 years and more than 44 years as on 1st Jan/2019. However, the upper age limit is relaxable by 3(three) years for O.B.C/M.O.B.C and 5(five) years for SC/ST candidates.
Selection Process: The eligible candidates shall have to appear a driving skill test as per date, time & venue to be notified in due course of time at their own expenses The candidates will have to bring their original testimonials for verification along with a set of self-attested photocopies of testimonials and to be produced at the time of Driving Skill Test.
# The period from the granting of Driving licenses should be a minimum of 5 (Five) years at the time of applying the posts.
How To Apply: The envelope containing the application should be clearly marked as "Application for the post of Driver" The applications are to be submitted with the following requisites attached thereto:
- One sell-addressed envelope of 5c.m. x 11c.m. affixing unused postal stamp of Rs. 5/- with two copies of passport size photograph.
- Attested copies of all certificates in support of educational qualification, proof of age and caste certificates
# Date of submission of application to the office of the Deputy Commissioner is w.e.f. 1/11/2019 to 15/11/2019 during office hours.
# The candidates should submit their application to the Deputy Commissioner's Office, Dhubri, first floor. Personnel Branch.
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