O/o The District & Sessions Judge, Mangaldai, Darrang
Last Date: 13/12/2019

Applications are invited from the intending candidates of the establishments of District & Sessions Judges of the State of Assam for filling up of the post of "Chief Administrative Officer" of the office of The District & Sessions Judge, Mangaldai, Darrang as per The Assam District & Sessions Judges Establishment (Ministerial) Service Rules, 1987".
Name of the Post: Chief Administrative Officer
No. of Post: 01
Eligibility: The candidate must be a graduate from a recognized University with 5 (five) years experience as Sheristadar of the Court of Additional District & Sessions Judge or Head Assistant of the office of the District & Sessions Judge.
Pay Scale: Rs.30,000-1,10,000 + GP- Rs.14,500 per month and other allowances as admissible.
Note: Candidates shall have to appear before the Selection Board for Interview/ viva-voce at their own expense as and when called for. The Selection Board reserves the power to dispense with or relax any rule. The date of Interview/ viva-voce will be published on the official website of the Darrang District Judiciary. No individual call letter will be sent.
How To Apply: The intending candidates shall submit their applications through proper channel by enclosing experience certificate issued by the respective District & Sessions Judge along with photocopies of all testimonials and 2 (two) recent self-attested passport size photographs. Applications should reach the office of the District & Sessions Judge, Mangaldai, Darrang on or before 13.12.2019.
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