Gauhati High Court

Online applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up 6 (six) posts of Chauffeur (Driver) in the District & Sessions Judge Establishment, Sonitpur.
Post Name: Chauffeur (Driver)
No. of Vacancy: 06 [UR-0, OBC/MOBC-3, SC-2, STP-1]
Eligibility Criteria: Candidates shall have to pass Class-VIII and those who have pass Class-XII and above shall not be eligible. Apart from that the candidates must possess a valid Professional Driving License.
- OBC/ MOBC: 41 years
- SC, STP & STH: 43 years
- SC/ STP/ STH: Rs.150/-
- All others: Rs.300/-
(A) Screening Test of qualifying nature: 50 marks:
Written Examination (Objective Type multiple choices) for 50 marks of 1 (one) hour duration on OMR scripts testing the General knowledge (20 marks), Road Sign Recognition (20 marks) and Assamese language segment (10 marks). In order to qualify in the Screening Test a candidate has to secure the following:
(a) a mininmum 5 marks out of 10 marks in the Assamese language segment and
(b) Apart from the above, a minimum of 24 marks out of 40 marks of the remaining part of the screening Test.
The Written examination will be of qualifying nature and marks obtained therein will not be considered while preparing the final select list.
(B) Driving Test: 40 marks:
Candidates equal to 5 times of the number of vacancies (1:5) in order of merit in the Screening test will be called for Driving test.
The driving test will be on the segments, namely, Starting, Driving, Parking and After Driving (10 marks for each segment, total 40 marks).
In order to qualify in the Driving Test, a candidate has to secure a minimum of 20 marks out of 40 marks in the Driving Test.
(C) Viva- voce: 10 marks:
Candidates equal to 3 times the number of vacancies in order of merit in the Driving Test will be called for Interview/ Viva-Voce.
In order to qualify in the Interview/Viva-voce, a candidate has to secure a minimum of 60% marks.
On the basis of the sum total of marks obtained in driving test and viva-voce the final select list will be prepared.
(a) Submission of Online Application Start From: 07-11-2019 from 3 PM
(b) Last date for Submission of Online Application: 21-11-2019 till 5 PM
(c) Last Date for Payment Fee: 26-11-2019 till bank transaction hour.
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