Recruitment Authority | Assam Electronics Development Corporation Limited (AMTRON) |
Mode of Apply | Online |
Last Date | 07/03/2020 |
AMTRON Guwahati Recruitment 2020 - Details:
1. Senior Software Development
Number of Post(s): 1 (one)
Qualification: MCA/ BE (Computer Science/ IT) / B.Tech (Computer Science/ IT)
Experience: Minimum 5 Years working experience of software development on J2EE, Struts, Hibernate, JQuery, PHP, Web Service. Also, working experience on Linux and Windows Administration are must.
a. Salary: Rs. 40,000.00 only
b. EPF Contributions per month: Rs. 1800.00.
a. Salary: Rs. 40,000.00 only
b. EPF Contributions per month: Rs. 1800.00.
2. Junior Software Development
Number of Post(s): 2 (two)
Qualification: MCA/ BE (Computer Science/ IT) / B.Tech (Computer Science/ IT)
Experience: Minimum 3 Years working experience in J2EE, Oracle query, Struts, Hibernate, JQuery, PHP, web service.
a. Salary: Rs. 25,000.00 only
b. EPF Contributions per month: Rs. 1800.00.
a. Salary: Rs. 25,000.00 only
b. EPF Contributions per month: Rs. 1800.00.
Selection Process:
The shortlisted candidates will be called for test/viva-voce through downloadable call letters. Selection of the candidates will be done on the basis of their performance in test/viva-voce, educational qualification and work experience.Important Dates:
▪ Opening Date for submission on line application: 17/02/2020
▪ Last Date for submission on line application: 07/03/2020
How To Apply:
Intending candidates fulfilling the above criteria may apply online through the official website of AMTRON from 17.02.2020 to 07.03.2020.
Supporting Documents to be uploaded:
The applicant must upload the following documents while submitting his/her online application in JPG/JPEG format only to support the eligibility criteria mentioned above:
• Age Proof: 10th standard Admit Card/certificate for examination or birth certificate.
• Latest passport size photograph
• Scanned copy of his/her signature
• Photo Identity Card: PAN card/Driving License/Passport/Voters ID card or any other ID card issued by a Govt. Agency.
• Address Proof: Any one of voter id, electricity bill, ration card, passport, driving license.
• Educational Qualification certificates from Xth standard onward
• Professional/Global Certificates, as applicable for his/her applied post
• Work Experience Certificates from the employer.
The size for photograph and signature should be less than 100 KB and for all other documents the size should not exceed 500KB.
Apply Online: Click Here
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