Name of the Posts:
- Constable (Communication/ Messenger/ Carpenter/ UB) in APRO
- Sub-Officer, Firemen & Emergency Rescuers in Fire & Emergency Services (F&ES)
Selection Process:
- PST & PET - 40 Marks
- Written Test - 50 Marks
- Extra-Curricular Activities and Special Skills - 10 Marks
Assam Police Constable Syllabus/ Selection Process 2020 - Details:
(A) PST & PET: Here, we are going to discuss the selection process/ syllabus for the above posts of Assam Police. Candidates whose applications are found correct in all respect will have to undergo the following tests:
- Physical Standards Tests (PST) and
- Physical Efficiency Tests (PET).
If any candidate is found to have any physical deformity as may be detected by the Medical Officer present in the DLSC /Selection Committee, he/ she will be debarred from participating in the other tests.
1. Physical Standards Tests (PST): After the documents are found correct, the candidates will have to appear in the PST (Physical Standard Test). It will carry no marks. Measurement of the height, weight of all the candidates & chest of only male candidates will be done using latest technology and after which the candidate will be examined by a Medical Officer for preliminary check-ups like knock knee, vision test, colour blindness test, flat foot, varicose vein, physical deformities etc. Once a
candidate clears the PST, he/she will have to appear in the PET (Physical Efficiency Test)
2. Physical Efficiency Test (PET) - 40 Marks: Candidates who clear PST, will be required to undergo PET. The PET consists of the following:
# For Male Candidates:
(a) Race: Those who qualify in the PST will be subjected to 3200 mtrs. race to be completed within 14 minutes (840 seconds).
(b) Long Jump: Minimum 335 cm for long jump (3 chances to be given and the longest valid jump rounded off to the nearest cm will be considered for awarding marks)
# For Female Candidates:
(a) Race: Those who qualify in the PST will be subjected to 1600 mtrs. race to be completed within 8 minutes (480 seconds).
(b) Long Jump: Minimum 244 cm for long jump (3 chances to be given and the longest valid jump rounded off to the nearest cm will be considered for awarding marks).
NOTE: Results of the PST and PET will be locally displayed at the end of each day of the Test. After completion of the PST and PET for all the candidates, district wise merit lists will be prepared on the basis of the total marks scored in PET. Candidates will be called for the Written Test in order of merit at the rate of 5 (five) times the number of posts.
(B) Written Test:
Written test will consist of 100 multiple choice type questions to be answered on an OMR answer sheet. For each correct answer, the candidate will get half a mark. Total marks for the Written Test will be 50. There will be no negative marking. The questions will cover the following subjects:
- Elementary Arithmetic
- General English
- Logical reasoning/Mental ability
- Assam’s History, Geography, Polity, Economy
- General Awareness/General Knowledge and current affairs
(C) Extra-Curricular Activities and Special Skills: Max Marks- 10:
(i) Educational Qualification (Extra-curricular marks) to be allotted for Educational Qualification will be based on results of HSLC for Constable (Messenger) & Constable (Carpenter) and Higher Secondary Examination for Constable (Communication) & Constable (UB) and Sub Officers, Firemen & Emergency Rescuers of F&ES as under:
Max Marks – 05 (five)
- 45– 59.99 % : 2 (two) marks
- 60 – 74.99% : 3 (three) marks
- 75 % and above : 5 (five) marks
(ii) National Cadet Corps (NCC) - Max Marks – 03 (three)
- NCC ‘C’ Certificate - 3 (three) marks
- NCC ‘B’ Certificate - 2 (two) marks
- NCC ‘A’ Certificate - 1 (one) mark
(iii) Home Guards - Max Marks – 3 (three)
(iv) Sports - Max Marks – 4 (four)
(v) Proficiency in Computers -Max Marks – 5 (five)
(vi) Additional Weightage for Constable (Communication) in APRO:
Certificate for1 (one) year experience in Electronics/Telecommunications/IT and Allied Environments - 2 (two) marks
(vii) Additional Weightage for Fireman & Emergency Rescuer:
- Swimming / Diving certificate - 2 (two) marks
- Fire fighting / Rock Climbing & Tracking certificate/ Martial Arts certificate - 2 (two) marks
- (c) ITI / Foreman certificate - 2 (two) marks
Final results will be prepared based on the marks obtained as follows:
a) Marks awarded in PET - Maximum marks 40.
b) Multiple choice objective type Written Test: Maximum marks 50.
c) Extra-curricular activities and special skills: Maximum marks 10.
Total 100 marks
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