Recruitment Authority | National Institute of Hydrology (NIH) Roorkee |
Mode of Apply | Online |
Last Date | 17/03/2020 |
National Institute of Hydrology (NIH) Recruitment 2020 - Details:
1. Scientist F
No. of Post: 01 (UR)
Pay Matrix: Level: 13A (Rs.131100-216600)
Age: Not exceeding 50 years
Post Graduate degree in engineering in any one of the following specializations:
Water Resources/ Hydrology/ Hydraulics/ Soil & Water Conservation/ Environmental Engineering AND having B.E./ B.Tech. degree or equivalent in: Civil/ Agricultural Engg.
Ph.D. in any one of the following specializations:
Water Resources/ Hydrology/ Physics/ Earth Sciences/ Geohydrology/ Hydrogeology/ Meteorology/ Environmental Sciences.
2. Scientist D
No. of Post: 01 (UR)
Pay Matrix: Level: 12 (Rs.78800-209200)
Age: Not exceeding 50 years
At least 60% marks or equivalent in Master's Degree (with Under Graduate degree in Engineering with at least 60% marks or equivalent) in any one of the following specializations:
Water Resources / Hydrology/ Irrigation/ Soil & Water Conservation/ Environmental Engineering.
Doctorate degree (with PG degree in Engg./Science with at least 60% marks or equivalent) in any one of the following specializations:
Chemistry/ Earth Sciences/ Environmental Sciences/Meteorology/Nuclear Hydrology.
No. of Post: 04 [UR-3, ST-1]
Pay Matrix: Level: 11 (Rs.67700-208700)
Age: Not exceeding 40 years for General and 45 years for ST
At least 60% marks or equivalent in Master's Degree (with Under Graduate degree in Engineering with at least 60% marks or equivalent) in any one of the following specializations:
Water Resources / Hydrology/ Irrigation/ Soil & Water Conservation/ Environmental Engineering/ Instrumentation Engineering.
Doctorate degree (with PG degree in Engg./Science with at least 60% marks or equivalent) in any one of the following specializations:
Water Resources/ Physics/ Chemistry/ Hydrology/ Earth Sciences/ Environmental Sciences/ Meteorology/ Instrumentation.
No. of Post: 02 (UR)
Pay Matrix: Level: 11 (Rs.56100-177500)
Age: Not exceeding 35 years
At least 60% marks or equivalent in Master's Degree (with Under Graduate degree in Engineering with at least 60% marks or equivalent) in any one of the following specializations:
Water Resources Engineering/ Hydrology/ Irrigation/ Soil & Water Conservation/ Environmental Engineering/Instrumentation Engineering.
Doctorate degree (with PG degree in Engg./Science with at least 60% marks or equivalent) in any of the following specializations:
Water Resources/ Hydrology /Physics/ Chemistry/ Earth Sciences/ Environmental Sciences/ Meteorology/ Instrumentation.
Application Fee:
- For ST/ PH Candidates: Nil
- For UR/ OBC: Rs.100/-
Payment Mode: Bank Draft drawn in favour of "National Institute of Hydrology", payable at SBI Branch of IIT Roorkee.
How To Apply:
Candidates are required to apply ONLINE and the HARD COPY of Print the application form and send it to the following address along with original Demand Draft (DD) of rupees 100/-, by Speed/ Registered post only:
Senior Administrative Officer
National Institute of Hydrology
Jalvigyan Bhawan
Roorkee 247667, Distt. Haridwar (Uttarakhand)
LAST DATE: The online option will remain open for a period of 60 days (last date 17.03.2020). The print out of completed online application along with all relevant supporting documents must reach in the Institute on or before 23.03.2020.
Apply Online: Click Here
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Official Website: http://www.nihroorkee.gov.in
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