Recruitment Authority | Chief Engineer, PWD Assam |
Mode of Apply | Offline |
Last Date | 29/02/2020 |
PWD Assam Recruitment 2020 - Details:
Name of Position: GIS AnalystNo of posts: 3 or less as approved by NRIDA
Remuneration: Rs.30,000/- to Rs.45,000/- per month fixed pay inclusive of all financial benefits depending upon skill and experience.
Required Skills and Qualifications:
1. M. Sc./ M. Tech/ M.Sc (Tech) in Geo-Science / Geo-Informatics/ Remote Sensing and GIS/ Geography/ Earth Science.
2. Should know operations such as buffer, spatial join and conducting geometry and topology checks.
3. Should be able to operate Google Earth and prepare KML files as and when required.
4. Experience in AutoCAD and GIS database management in a plus.
5. Should have knowledge of relevant IT software and Excel.
6. Should have more than 3 years of professional experience in GIS.
7. Should have knowledge of GIS, be able to operate QGIS/ ArcGIS and prepare/ modify / update shapefiles as and when required and compile from various sources such as satellite imagery/ toposheets, reports etc.
How To Apply:
Details required for submission of application:
1. Name, 2. Passport size photograph, 3. Date of Birth, 4. Permanent Address, 5. Correspondence Address, 6. E-mail Address, 7. Educational Qualification (Class 10 onwards supported by certificates), 8. Professional Experience with duration in chronological order supported by certificates.
Application with above details and supporting documents must be mailed to eopwrd.asrbas@nic.in on or before 29/02/2020 subject as "Application for GIS Analyst".
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