Recruitment Authority | Delhi University |
Mode of Apply | Offline |
Last Date | 215/05/2020 |
Delhi University Recruitment 2020 - Details:
Name of the Post: Guest FacultyDepartment: Chemistry
No. of Vacancies: 28 Posts [Unreserved-12 SC-5 ST-1 OBC-7 EWS-3]
Essential Educational Qualifications: Qualification for Guest Faculty will be same, as prescribed for regular teachers of the University in UGC’s Regulation i.e.
1. Good academic record as defined by the University with at least 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) at the Master’s Degree level in a relevant subject from an Indian University, or an equivalent degree from an accredited foreign University.
2. Besides fulfilling the above qualifications, the candidate must have cleared the National Eligibility Test (NET), conducted by UGC or CSIR.
(Furthermore, kindly refer to General Note at the end of the advertisement)
Emoluments: The Guest Faculty will be paid honorarium of Rs. 1500 per lecture, subject to a maximum of Rs. 50,000 per month as per UGC norms.
How to apply:
(i) Applications (with passport size photograph) on prescribed format stating qualifications 12th standard onward may be sent to the Head of the Department, Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007 by Speed Post.
(ii) Applications can also be submitted personally in the office of the Department of Chemistry. Self-attested copies of all certificates and publications may also be attached with the Application Form.
(iii) The applications should reach in the Department latest by Friday, the 15th May-2020.
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Official Website: http://www.du.ac.in & http://www.chemistry.du.ac.in
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