The Online Application System will be opened for modifying the following criteria in respect of the Candidates who have already applied for the recruitment to the post of regular teacher of LP and UP Schools under the DEE, Assam:
"The Candidates who have already applied for recruitment to the post of regular teacher of LP and UP Schools under the DEE, Assam against the Advertisement-A & Advertisement-B and all subsequent Addendum/s, Corrigendum and Notice/s are allowed to upload the Betterment Marks achieved in Educational and Professional Qualifications, i.e. HSSLC, Degree, D. El. Ed. and B. Ed. as per existing norms."
How To Edit/ Modify LP UP Teacher Application:
The Candidates will be able to log in to the official website of DEE, Assam i.e. https://dee.assam.gov.in by providing their credentials mentioned in the Acknowledgement Receipt.
The website will be open from the Midnight of 14th May, 2020 to the Midnight of 21st May, 2020.
Official Notification: Click Here
1st Provisional Merit List: Click Here
Are there any new notification regarding the verification of betterment marks recently uploaded by the candidates for the post of LP/UP teachers against DEE advertisement.