Recruitment Authority | United India Insurance Co. Ltd. (UIIC) |
Mode of Apply | Online |
Last Date | June 10, 2020 |
UIIC Recruitment 2020 Details:
Name of the Post: Administrative Officer (Medical) Scale-I
No. of Post: 10 [Un-5, SC-1, ST-1, OBC-2, EWS-1]
Candidate must possess the minimum qualification of M.B.B.S. Degree from a recognized University or equivalent foreign degrees, which are recognized as equivalent to M.B.B.S. degree by the Medical Council of India and must be holding a valid registration from Medical Council of India or any State Medical Council.
** Further the candidate should have finished internship under MBBS Degree on or before 31.12.2019.
Age (As on 31.12.2019):
A candidate must be of the minimum age of 21 years and the maximum age of 30 years as on 31.12.2019. Age will be relaxable as per Govt. norms.
Emoluments and Benefits:
Rs.69,000/- p.m. (approx.) Basic pay in the scale of Rs.32795-1610(14)-55335-1745(4)-62315 and other admissible allowances as applicable.
Application Fee (Non-Refundable):
# UR / EWS / OBC Candidates: Rs. 536 /-
# SC / ST / PWD / EXM Candidates: Rs. 236 /-
How to Apply:
Applications should be submitted online only. The application link, available in the recruitment section of our website "http://uiic.co.in", will be active during the period 29th May, 2020 10:00 AM to 10th June, 2020 17:00 PM (both dates inclusive).
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Official Website: https://uiic.co.in
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