Recruitment Authority | Bahona College, Jorhat |
Mode of Apply | Offline |
Last Date | 15 days |
Bahona College Recruitment 2020 Details:
Name of the Post: Assistant Professor
No. of Post: 2
- Economics- 1 (UR) Roster Point-27
- Assamese-1 (UR) Roster Point-41
Educational qualifications and selection procedures will be as per Govt. Office Memorandum No. AHE 407/2017/44, dated 08.11.2018 with the NET/SLET/SET as mandatory eligibility conditions.
Candidates having Ph.D. degree in accordance with UGG (minimum standard and procedures for award of Ph.D. Degree) regulation 2009' shall be exempted from the requirement of minimum eligibility conditions of NET/SLET/SET.
Candidates will have to acquire qualifications latest by the date of submission of their applications. Oher eligibilities like M.Phil./Ph.D./Seminar Papers/Publications acquired may be submitted in the date of interview and not beyond.
** The candidates must have Permanent Residential Certificate (PRC) and must have proficiency in local language.
Age Limit of the candidates should not be more than 38 years as on 01.012020 with relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST/PWD candidates and 3 years for OBC/MOB Candidates.
How To Apply:
Candidates in service must apply through proper channel along with NOC from the concerned authority. Application accompanied by a refundable Demand Draft of Rs. 2200/- only drawn in favor of Principal, Bahona College payable at Assam Co-operative Apex Bank, Jorhat Branch must reach the undersigned within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of publication [05/06/2020] of this advertisement.
Sd/- Dr. P.K. Dutta
Principal & Secretary,
Bahona College,
P.O. Bahona, Jorhat-785101.
Date of interview will be intimated to the eligible candidates in due time and no TADA Will be paid.
N.B. Those who applied earlier tor the post of Economics (Published in the Dainik Janambhurni & Assam Tribune dtd 17-03-2020) need not apply again.
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