Recruitment Authority | Directorate of Health Services (DHS), Manipur |
Mode of Apply | Wal-in-interview |
Last Date | 252/06/2020 |
DHS Manipur Recruitment 2020 Details:
1. Staff Nurse
No. of Post: 60
Essential Qualification:
(i) Matriculate/HSLC or its equivalent from a recognized University/ Board.
(ii) Registered A-Grade Nurse (Senior Certificate in Nursing and Mid-wifery from a recognized University/ Institute (for male Nurses, Senior Mid-wifery certificate is not required).
Desirable: Knowledge of Manipuri, and Hindi.
2. Multi Tasking Staff (MTS)
No. of Post: 40
Essential Qualification: Matriculate/HSLC or its equivalent from a recognized University/ Board.
Upper Age Limits:
38 years (Unreserved), 41 years (OBC) and 43 years (SC/ST) and 48 years (Persons with disability). Qualifying date will be as on the date of notification.
* Reservation: as per State Government policy.
How To Apply:
Application Forms may be obtained from Directorate of Health Services, Manipur, Lamphelpat on cash payment of ₹ 200/- (₹ 100/- for SC/ ST and PWD). Application forms may also be downloaded from the website of this directorate. Print out of the application form (in A-4 size bond papers) may be filled up and submitted to the Directorate of Health Services, Lamphelpat during office hours within the timeline along with cash payment of Rs. 200/- (Rs. 100/- only for SC/ ST and PWD).
Important Dates:
* Issue of Appl. Forms : 15th - 20th June, 2020. (office hours).
* Receipt of filled Appl. Forms : 16th - 22nd June, 2020. (office hours).
* Issue of Admit Cards : 17th - 22th June, 2020. (office hours).
Date, Time & Place of Interview:
Date: 25/06/2020
Time: 10:00 AM
Place: at Directorate of Health Services, Manipur, Lamphelpat.
Detailed Advertisement: Click Here
Application Form: Click Here
Official Website: http://www.manipurhealthdirectorate.in
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