Those candidates may appear in the Skill Test and Document Verification on any date on or before 12.06.2020, 12 noon at their respective venues as mentioned in their Call Letters.
Name of post: Staff Nurse
No of Posts: 300 (UR-123, OBC/MOBC-81, SC-21, STH-15, STP-30, EWS-30)
Mode of Selection: Skill Test and Documents Verification
Admit Card Release Date: 17th May 2020
Date: on or before 12.06.2020, 12 noon
Venue: As mentioned in Call Latter
As per the official Notification:
In continuation to the earlier Notice No. Janasanyog/D/ 600/20 dated 17th May, 2020 (The Assam Tribune) this is for information of all concerned that if any candidate could not appear in the Skill Test and Document Verification of candidates for the posts of Staff Nurs under the establishment of Gauhati Medical College Hospital, Guwahati, which is being held from 21.05.2020 to 12.06.2020 due to Nationwide lockdown or due to Quarantine/COVID duty or due to Institutional/ Home quarantine may appear in the Skill Test and Document Verification on any date on or before 12.06.2020, 12 noon at their respective venues as mentioned in their Call Letters.
They must bring the printed copy of the Call Letters along with all relevant documents in original and a set of their photostat copies for appearing in the Skill Test and Document Verification.
Official Notification: Click Here
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