Recruitment Authority | Tezpur University |
Mode of Apply | by Email |
Last Date | 09/07/2020 |
Tezpur University Recruitment 2020 Details:
1. IPR Chair Professor
No. of Post: 1
Emoluments: Rs. 1,00,000.00 (Rupees one lakh) per month
Age Limit: Not exceeding 65
(i) An academic / scholar of outstanding track record with Ph.D. and experience of teaching and research on IPRin a University or Accredited Research Institute.
(ii) Retired Officials of IP Offices under the CGPDTM having experience of 5 years of working at Grade Pay of Rs. 6,600/- or above (as Controller of Patent & Design or Registrar of Trademark & Geographical Indications or Registrar of Copyrights).
(iii) An outstanding professional with established reputation in the field of IPR, who has made significant contributions to knowledge in the field (to be substantiated by credentials).
2. Research Assistant
No. of Post: 2
Post-1:Rs. 40,000.00 (for M.Sc. / M.Tech. /LLM degree)
Post-2: Rs. 50,000.00 (for Ph.D. holders)per month(Consolidated)
Age Limit:
Post-1: Not exceeding 35
Post-2: Not exceeding 40 (Relaxations as per Govt. of India rules)
For Post-1: Post Graduation in the areas of Science / Engineering / Law with research experience in the IPR area as evident from publications or appointment in similar nature of jobs.
For Post-2: Ph.D. degree having experience of working in IPR Cell for at least one year in an academic / R&D institution.
How To Apply: Eligible candidates may send their application in the prescribed format along with subject line “Application for the post of …………… against Advt. No. 07/2020 along with all necessary attachments including the e-generated receipt of the payment along with the application and other supporting documents for academic and desirable qualifications. to turecruit@tezu.ernet.in on or before 09 Jul 2020 11:59 PM
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Official Website: http://www.tezu.ernet.in
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