Recruitment Authority | Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) |
Mode of Apply | Online |
Last Date | 17/08/2020 |
ONGC Apprentice Recruitment 2020 Details:
Name of Post: Apprentice
Total Vacancy: 4182 posts
Sector-wise vacancies:
North Sector: 228
Mumbai Sector: 764
Eastern Sector: 716
Southern Sector: 674
Western Sector: 1579
Central Sector: 221
Vacancy in Assam
Jorhat: 156
Silchar: 49
Nazira & Sivasagar: 511
Total: 716
Educational Qualification:
1. Accountant: Bachelors degree (Graduation) in Commerce from a Govt. recognized institute/ University.
2. Assistant-Human Resource: Bachelors degree (Graduation) in B.A. or B.B.A from a Govt. recognized institute/ University.
3. Secretarial Assistant: ITI in trade Stenography (English) /Secretarial practice
4. Computer Operator and Programming Assistant (COPA): ITI in COPA Trade
5. Draughtsman (Civil): ITI in Draughtsman (Civil) Trade
6. Electrician: ITI in Electrician Trade
7. Electronics Mechanic: ITI in Electronics Mechanic
8. Fitter: ITI in Fitter
9. Instrument Mechanic: ITI in Instrument Mechanic
10. Information & Communication Technology System Maintenance: ITI in Information & Communication Technology System Maintenance
11. Laboratory Assistant (Chemical Plant): B.Sc with PCM or PCB ITI in Lab. Asst (Chemical Plant) trade
12. Library Assistant: ITI in Library and information Science
13. Machinist: ITI in Machinist Trade
14. Mechanic (Motor Vehicle): ITI in Mechanic Motor Vehicle trade
15. Mechanic Diesel: ITI in Mechanic Diesel trade
16. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic: ITI in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic trade
17. Plumber: ITI in Plumber trade
18. Surveyor: ITI in Surveyor Trade
19. Welder: ITI passed out in the trade of Welder (Gas & Electric)
20. Civil: Diploma in the respective disciplines of Engineering from a Govt. recognized Institute/ University.
21. Computer Science: Diploma in the respective disciplines of Engineering from a Govt. recognized Institute/ University.
22. Electrical: Diploma in the respective disciplines of Engineering from a Govt. recognized Institute/ University.
23. Electronics & Telecommunication: Diploma in the respective disciplines of Engineering from a Govt. recognized Institute/ University.
24. Electronics: Diploma in the respective disciplines of Engineering from a Govt. recognized Institute/ University.
25. Mechanical: Diploma in the respective disciplines of Engineering from a Govt. recognized Institute/ University.
Age Limit:
Minimum 18 years and maximum 24 years as on 17.08.2020. That is, the Date of Birth of the Candidate/Applicant should between 17.08.1996 and 17.08.2002.
Concession & Relaxation:
a) Upper age is relaxed by 5 years for SC/ST candidates and 3 years for OBC candidates for the trades reserved for them.
b) Candidates belonging to PwBD categories shall be given age relaxation upto 10 years (upto 15 years for SC/ST and upto 13 years for OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) Candidates)
Selection Process:
Selections for engagement of Apprentices would be based on the basis of marks obtained and Merit drawn. In case of a similar number in merit, a person with higher age would be considered. No canvassing or influencing would be acceptable at any time and may render for non-consideration.
Requirement Before Filling Online Application Form:
I. Before applying for above apprentices positions, candidates have to first register themselves in online portals of the following agencies of Govt. of India:
(a) For Trade Apprentices- at https://apprenticeshipindia.org/(Trades mentioned in Sl. No 1 to 19)
(b) For Technician Apprentices: With the concerned Regional Board of Apprenticeship Training (BOAT) in their portal National Apprenticeship Training Scheme (NATS) under Ministry of Human Resource Development. The link https://portal.mhrdnats.gov.in/boat/commonRedirect/registermenunew!registermenunew.action (Trades mentioned in Sl. No 20 to 25)
II. After successful registration with the above agencies, a registration number will be generated and the candidate has to mention this registration number while applying for apprentices positions in ONGC website www.ongcapprentices.ongc.co.in.
Important Dates:
Issue of advertisement and call for applications: 29th July 2020
opening of online application portal at www.ongcapprentices.ongc.co.in: 29th July 2020 11:00 HRS
Last date for receiving of applications: 17th August 2020 18:00 HRS
Date of Result/Selection: 24th August 2020
Receive confirmation from candidates: 24th August 2020 - 1st September 2020
How To Apply:
Candidates meeting the prescribed eligibility criteria should visit our ONGC website www.ongcapprentices.ongc.co.in and apply online from 29.07.2020 11:00 HRS till 17.08.2020 by 18:00 hours.
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Official Website: www.ongcindia.com
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