Recruitment Authority | Tezpur University, Tezpur |
Mode of Apply | by Email |
Last Date | 06/08/2020 |
Tezpur University Recruitment 2020 Details:
Name of Post: Medical Officer (MO)
No of Posts: 1
Essential Qualification: MBBS degree from any Indian university recognised by Medical Council of India. Preference will be given to persons working in reputed hospital/Nursing Home with at least two years’ experience. Retired persons may also apply.
Pay: Rs 60,000/- per month
Age: Not exceeding 35 years in case of fresh graduates. However, in case of retired persons, maximum age limit will be 62 years.
How To Apply: Interested candidates are to register their names citing the post applied for and the advertisement no. along with detailed biodata / CV (mentioning Name, Father/ Mother/ Spouse Name, Permanent & Correspondence Address, Phone No., e-mail, Date of Birth, Caste, Sex, Detailed Educational Qualification from 10th standard onwards, Detailed Work Experience, Present Position (if working) with details of job nature, etc., by e-mail to turecruit@tezu.ernet.in by 05.00 P.M. of 06.08.2020.
Candidates who do not register his / her name by 05.00 P.M. of 06.08.2020 shall not be interviewed. Eligible candidates so registered shall appear before the concerned Selection Committee as per the above schedule with all testimonials in origin. The candidates will also be required to submit a signed copy of the detailed biodata / CV as stated above and a set of self-attested photocopies of all the supporting documents at the time of interview.
Walk-in-interview Date/ Timr/ Venue :
Date: 10.08.2020
Time: 10:30 am onwards
Venue: Administration Building, Tezpur University
Detailed Advertisement: Click Here
Official Website: http://www.tezu.ernet.in
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