Recruitment Authority |
Tezpur University, Tezpur
Mode of Apply | by Email |
Last Date | 31/07/2020 |
Tezpur University Recruitment 2020 Details:
1. Research Associate (RA)
No. of Post: 3
* (Post no 1): The applicant should have Ph.D. in Environmental Science/ Forestry/ Botany/ Zoology.
* (Post no. 2): The applicant should have Ph.D. in Agriculture/Environmental Science with minimum 4 years of experience in techniques for analyzing plant and soil samples for various physiological and biochemical plant parameters and estimation of greenhouse gases from agro-ecosystem.
* (Post no. 3): The applicant should have PhD in Physical/Mathematical/Environmental Sciences.
Fellowship: Rs. 47,000/- (Rupees forty seven thousand) only per month. 8% HRA will be admissible as per rules, if no accommodation is provided by the institute.
Age Limit: Age of the candidates should not be more than 40 years as on the stipulated last date of receiving applications in response to advertisement. The upper age limit may be relaxed as per Government of India rules.
2. Junior Research Fellow (JRF)
No. of Post: 6
* (For 3 Posts): The applicant should have M.Sc. with a minimum of 55 % marks or equivalent CGPA in Environmental Science/ Forestry/ Botany/ Zoology/ Ecology any other relevant disciplines with NET/GATE.
* (For 2 Posts): The applicant should have M.Sc. with a minimum of 55 % marks or equivalent CGPA in in Agriculture/ Botany/ Environmental Science with NET/GATE.
* (For 1 Post): The applicant should have M.Sc. with a minimum of 55 % marks or equivalent CGPA in Mathematical Sciences/ Physical Sciences/Geology/Environmental Science/with NET/GATE.
Fellowship: Rs.31,000/- (Rupees thirty one thousand) only per month. 8% HRA as per rules will be admissible, if no accommodation is provided by the institute.
Age Limit: Age of the candidates should not be more than 28 years on the stipulated last date of receiving applications in response to advertisement. The upper age limit may be relaxed as per Government of India rules.
3. Lab. Assistant
No. of Post: 2
Qualification: The applicant should have minimum qualification of Graduate degree in relevant discipline.
Remuneration: Rs. 20,000/- (Rupees twenty thousand) only per month. 8% HRA as per rules will be admissible, if no accommodation is provided by the institute.
Age Limit: The candidate shall not be more than 28 years of age on the stipulated last date of receiving applications in response to advertisement. The upper age limit may be relaxed as per Government of India rules.
How To Apply: Highly motivated and interested candidates willing to work extensively in field and laboratory, may send their application (Annexure I) along with Curriculum Vitae (PDF file) and photocopies of all academic testimonials having proof of age, qualification, experience (if any), copy of publications (if any), etc.(PDF file) at e-mail: tuenv.dst_coe@gmail.com with a copy to (CC) to ashalatadevi12@gmail.com. Last date of submission of application form along with the required documents is 31st July 2020.
All documents should be self-attested and should arrange in order as given below in a single PDF file:
1. Curriculum Vitae (CV) duly signed
2. Birth certificate (Proof of Date of Birth)
3. Mark sheet and Certificate of 10 class
4. Mark sheet and Certificate of 10+2 class
5. Mark sheet and Certificate of B. Sc degree
6. Mark sheet and Certificate of M. Sc. degree
7. Certificate of Ph. D. degree
8. Mark sheet and Certificate of any other Degrees and Diplomas
9. Experience certificate
10. No Objection Certificate, if applicable
11. Publications
12. Other relevant information
Contact Details:
Dr. Ashalata Devi, Associate Professor
Department of Environmental Science
Tezpur University, Nappam, Tezpur – 784028, Assam
E-mail: tuenv.dst_coe@gmail.com
Mobile: 91 9434749354; +91 9435083469; +91 8992498305
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Official Website: www.tezu.ernet.in
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