Recruitment Authority | Cabinet Secretariat, Govt. of India |
Mode of Apply | Offline |
Last Date | 31 August 2020 |
Cabinet Secretariat Recruitment 2020 Details:
Name of Post: Field Assistant (GD)
No. of Post: 12
Language wise-vacancies:
1 Angami- 01
2. Arakanese- 01
3. Bodo- 01
4. Bru/Reang- 01
S. Burmese- 01
6. Chin- 01
7. Dzonkhaha- 01
8. Konyak-01
9. Lai- 01
10. Mara- 01
11. Sema- 01
12. Zeliangrong- 01
Qualification: Senior (10+2) pass from recognized Board or 15.05.2020.
Eligibility Criteria: Candidates belonging to NE region, who know any of the above-mentioned languages with proficiency to read, write and speak the concerned language and fulfill other eligibility the may apply for the post of Feld Assistant (GD).
Age Limit: 18-27 years as on 15.05.2020. Age Limit is relaxable as per Govt. rules.
Selection Process: The selection to the post will be made on the basis of Written Examination, Physical Efficiency Test (PET) and Interview with an in-built mechanism to verity the claimed language proficiency in concerned language.
How To Apply: Eligible candidates may send their applications in the given proforma along with self-attested copies of necessary documents to Under Secretary (Pers.F), Cabinet Secretariat. Govt. of India, Room No. 1001, B-l Wing, 10th Floor, Pt. Deendayal Antyodaya Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003, by speed post or registered post. The last date of receipt of application is 31.08.2020.
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